Product Thinking
We believe we are building a lifestyle

At Haye, we firmly believe that what we’re building is more than just a product—it’s a lifestyle. Our goal is to create value through our products and open a gateway to the future.

That’s why we’re eager to share the inspiration behind Haye’s design and our understanding of the product.

Less is More

We believe that for most tools, being adequately functional is sufficient. Throughout the design process of Haye, we’ve consistently aimed to limit the software’s features to ensure each iteration is just right.

This means that Haye may not offer a plethora of AI capabilities compared to some products. We think that excessive features not only waste resources but also bloat the software, stripping it of its essence. Our vision is for Haye to focus on specific scenarios, delivering just the right amount of functionality that’s also user-friendly.

Beauty as a Prime Mover

Beyond basic functionality, Haye devotes considerable effort to the user interface and visual aesthetics. We believe that attractive software can provide a greater sense of pleasure to users, a sensation distinctly different from that derived from functionality alone. It inspires users to discover and appreciate beauty, reinforcing our commitment to this endeavor despite the significant time investment it requires.


We are a slow-paced product team, adherents of long-termism. Amid the unpredictable business landscape, we prefer maintaining our own pace, concentrating on refining our product. Even though this may clash with conventional business logic, we’re willing to view it as a lifelong venture, steadfast on our chosen path.

We Are the Users

A fundamental principle in Haye’s design is that we are users too. We ensure that the features we design are not fabricated but are based on real needs we encounter in our daily lives. We believe that only through personal exploration and experience can we design a truly fitting product experience for our users.

Open Development

We think that the current era is never short of ideas. Many people may be working on similar things. Therefore, we see no need to keep Haye’s plans and ideas secretive. We prefer to discuss openly with everyone, sharing our progress and future plans on platforms like Discord and Changelog.

While some might view this as risky, we believe that such openness makes the building process more engaging and that the success of software isn’t just about having ideas but is the result of a combination of various factors.

© 2024 Haye, Build by Boring Design