April 15, 2024

Official Test Version


Frame 507

This is the final version before our internal beta release. In this version, we have optimized some UI details, including loading animations and redesigned system icons. In addition to these improvements, we have also enhanced the responsiveness of the app. Currently, all features except for History and Quick Notes are fully functional and can be experienced. If you have received this installation package, you can already try out AskAI, Reading, Rewrite, Translate, and other features, which will help you make better use of AI capabilities while reading and editing.

After this version, we will push it to our internal beta testers, who will get a chance to experience Haye. Here are a few details we would like to share with everyone:

  • We plan to run the internal beta for approximately 4 weeks, during which we will collect feedback from users and focus on addressing any mentioned issues. If you have any feedback or requests, please join our Discord community.
  • In addition to the main features, we are exploring the design of a Windows version and hope to release it to users faster.
  • We will introduce a paid version within the next two weeks. If the software is helpful to your work and life, you will have the opportunity to purchase it at a discounted price.

Implemented functions

  • ✅ Ask AI
  • ✅ Reading
  • ✅ Rewrite
  • ✅ Translate
  • ✅ Quick Action
  • ✅ Search
  • ✅ Function Calling
  • 👷 Quick Notes
  • 👷 History
  • 👷 Scene UI

Feature Updates

  • update: update icons at page toolbar and page show
  • update: update skeleton style at page show
  • update: temporarily hidden login with email and apple
